How our Experts can help you

VAT advice is our specialty and we are proud of our reputation in the market. Our VAT experts are not only highly skilled in technical matters, but also have insider knowledge of how value added tax works. Many of them have held senior positions in HMRC, so they know how to navigate the complex and confusing world of VAT. They can help you with any VAT issue, big or small, and find the best solutions for your business. We are your confident and knowledgeable partner in dealing with VAT and other tax challenges

VAT Registration

VAT is a complex and challenging area of tax, but we are here to help you navigate it with confidence. AK Accountants VAT experts are not only highly skilled and knowledgeable, but also have a wealth of experience in dealing with HMRC. Many of them have held senior positions in HMRC, so they know the ins and outs of VAT like no one else. They can provide you with practical and tailored advice that suits your needs and goals. We are passionate about VAT and proud of our reputation in the market

Customs Duties

If you are importing goods from abroad, you may be worried about the high costs of customs duties and VAT. But don’t despair, we have a solution for you. AK Accountants can help you set up warehouse regimes that allow you to defer these taxes until you sell or use the goods. This way, you can save money, improve your cash flow, and avoid unnecessary hassles with customs authorities. We are experts in VAT and customs matters, and we can guide you through the whole process with ease and efficiency. We care about your business and your success, and we want to help you make the most of your imports.

Partial Exemption

You deserve to get the most out of your VAT, without spending too much on it. That’s why AK Accountants are here to help you optimize your VAT recovery, while keeping your costs low. AK Accountants have the skills, experience, and tools to help you claim back the VAT that you are entitled to, while avoiding any errors or penalties that could harm your business. we are passionate about VAT and committed to your satisfaction. We want to help you achieve your financial goals and grow your business.

VAT Disputes & Appeals

You don’t have to accept unfair VAT assessments that could damage your business. AK Accountants are here to fight for your rights and interests, and to challenge any unjustified VAT claims from the authorities. We can negotiate with them on your behalf, and seek the best possible settlement for you. And if they don’t listen, we can represent you at a VAT & Duties Tribunal, where we will present your case

With confidence and professionalism. We are not afraid to stand up for you, and we will do everything we can to protect your business.

VAT Planning & Structuring VAT Transactions

We know how frustrating it can be to deal with VAT and other government issues. That’s why AK Accountants are here to help you find the best solutions for your business. We can help you structure your transactions in a way that minimizes VAT and maximizes your profits. We can also handle any communication or negotiation with central government or local authorities on your behalf. We are your trusted partner in navigating the complex and ever-changing world of taxation and regulation

International Issues

VAT is a complicated and costly tax that can affect your business in many ways. You don’t want to pay more VAT than you have to, or miss out on any refunds that you are entitled to. That’s why AK Accountants are here to help you manage your VAT registrations worldwide, and optimize your cash flow by reducing VAT payments and securing VAT repayments from other countries. We have the expertise and experience to handle all your VAT needs, and we will work with you to find the best solutions for your business. We are your reliable and efficient partner in dealing with VAT and other tax issues.